How to Get Rid of Rumbling in Ear

Robert author of Earcura
Written By Robert

As an experienced ear health expert, I offer trusted, authoritative insights to help you take control of your ear care.

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Imagine a sudden, unsettling vibration in your ear, akin to the distant rumble of a small thunder. This sensation, both unfamiliar and uncomfortable, disrupts your hearing for a short while. Rumbling is common for many, yet the exact causes and remedies are rarely known.

Rumbling in the ear is more than just an annoyance. It can be a signal of underlying issues affecting ear health – tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, ear infection or otitis media are the most serious ones. I will explain this sensation here, also providing guidance on how to address possible health issues effectively.

Table of Contents:

What Is Ear Rumbling?

Ear rumbling is a unique sensation characterized by a low, continuous noise, often compared to the sound of flowing water or distant thunder. This phenomenon originates from the tensor tympani muscle in the ear.

This muscle, when contracted, dampens certain sounds, including those produced by chewing or your own voice. This contraction can inadvertently produce a rumbling or vibrating sensation. Although unpleasant, it’s actually a protection mechanism of the eardrum.

Central to this process is the malleus, a small bone in the middle ear crucial for hearing. It connects to the tympanic membrane (ear drum) and, together with the tensor tympani muscle, helps modulate sound vibrations. There is no strict medical term for this phenomenon. Vibration and rumbling in this context are used synonymously.

Common triggers for ear rumbling include everyday actions such as chewing, coughing, yawning, and even yelling. These activities can inadvertently stimulate the tensor tympani muscle, leading to the distinct sensation of ear rumbling. Understanding these triggers is the first step in addressing this curious and often misunderstood auditory experience.

Causes of Rumbling In The Ear

The causes of ear rumbling are diverse, but they all essentially cause the contraction of ear muscles. These contractions, while sometimes protective, can lead to persistent sensations of rumbling.


Tinnitus is a common condition where one hears sounds without external auditory stimuli. It often manifests as a ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound, and is thought to serve a protective role in the auditory system.

It can be linked to the abnormal activity of the tensor tympani muscle, leading to tonic tensor tympani syndrome. Tinnitus involves involuntary, prolonged contraction of the muscle, contributing to the sensation of ear rumbling.

It should be noted that ear mites in humans can also cause tinnitus and, by extension, ear-rumbling sensations. You should look for other signs of ear mites and then consult a doctor to treat them accordingly.

Ear Infections

There are three main forms of ear infections.

  • Acute otitis media is an infection of the middle ear appearing with rapid onset of symptoms such as pain and inflammation.
  • Otitis media with effusion involves fluid buildup in the middle ear without infection, often leading to a feeling of fullness or pressure.
  • Otitis externa is an infection of the ear canal, usually causing pain and swelling.

The link between these infections and ear rumbling lies in the body’s response to inflammation and infection. The presence of them stimulates the tensor tympani muscle, leading to involuntary contractions and the resultant rumbling sensation. It is a protective mechanism where the body attempts to mitigate further damage or irritation to the ear.

Ménière’s Disease

Ménière’s Disease is a disorder of the inner ear, known for its symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus, and fluctuating hearing loss. This condition, first described in the 19th century, can severely impact one’s quality of life and is hard to treat. Sometimes even surgery is necessary.

The connection between Ménière’s Disease and ear rumbling is rooted in the inner ear’s altered fluid dynamics. This imbalance can stimulate the tensor tympani muscle, leading to the sensation of rumbling. The body attempts to stabilize the inner ear environment to the changing pressure and fluid levels in the ear, which causes the rumbling sensation.

Immediate Remedies You Should Take

Luckily, if you’re experiencing ear rumbling, several safe and simple methods may provide relief.

  • Yawning or chewing can help relax the tensor tympani muscle, reducing the rumbling sensation.
  • Cover your ears by gently pressing the palms of your hands against them for a few moments. It can momentarily alter ear pressure and relieve rumbling.
  • Ear drops can soften earwax, potentially reducing rumbling. While home remedies like warm water or vinegar are known, it’s safer to use products specifically designed for ear care.
  • Ear wax cleaning kits are designed for safe ear wax removal. If the rumbling cause is an ear infection, my top picks for ear wax removal will help you to alleviate the symptoms.
  • Avoid rumbling triggers or actions that cause your ear to rumble. Loud noises or high moisture are common culprits.

What’s The Sign Should Encourage You to Visit a Doctor

While ear rumbling can be managed at home, certain signs warrant a doctor’s visit. Serious signs to watch for include fever, symptoms of ear infection, partial or complete hearing loss, pain, or excessive earwax, especially if it’s discolored or has an unusual odor.

All of them can also signal other health issues. If they are coupled with ear rumbling, it generally means that there is more risk than just an unpleasant feeling. For example, ear infections can get worse quite quickly, and simple hygiene solutions might not be enough. A doctor’s visit is essential for throughout inspection.

However, people are often reluctant to go to a doctor because ear rumbling is perceived as just a quality of life disturbance. I disagree. My stance is that quality of life disturbances, including persistent ear rumbling, are valid reasons for medical consultation. Do not hesitate and seek help proactively.

Conclusion on The Rumbling Sound in Ear

The contraction of ear muscles, or simply ear rumbling is a manageable condition. Immediate remedies like yawning, using ear drops, and avoiding triggers can provide relief. If you experience significant discomfort or symptoms of a more severe condition, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor. Proactive ear care is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being.

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